Tyre Inflation And Performance of Car Tyres

Take deflated tyres and try to install it in your vehicle. Would not be able to do it comfortably? Is there any use of a tyre without proper air?


As are asking these questions since we would like you to pay attention to the importance of air pressure in tyres. If you observe, your Tyres Wolverhampton would not be able to function on roads in the absence of air pressure.


So, air pressure is vital for your car tyres.


If you have read your user manual, you must have seen the section about air pressure. You need to keep the air pressure at a certain level according to the guidelines in your user manual.


It means, that only filling the air in tyres is not going to finish your duty. You have to keep the air pressure at the specified level and check the air pressure regularly as well.

The link between the performance of tyres and air pressure


If your tyres are running on roads with a low level of air pressure, it clearly means that your Tyres Birmingham will not perform according to advanced standards of road safety and driving comfort.


Your tyres are responsible to keep your vehicle stable on roads. Moreover, car tyres play a vital role in stopping the car tyres at the correct distance.


If your tyres are inflated properly, the weight of the vehicle will not be distributed equally. Therefore, your tyres will behave stably on roads and keep your vehicle stable as well.


Your tyres are unable to turn, accelerate, and stop the vehicle effectively if they are experiencing underinflation or overinflation.  


Under inflation in tyres take place when the quantity of air is not enough in your tyres. On the other hand, your tyres are experiencing overinflation if they are filled with excessive air. You may observe it easily that a tyre with low air pressure will flex on roads unwontedly and a tyre with high air pressure will behave like an inflated balloon.

Both conditions are not ideal for driving.

Negative effects of under-inflation and over-inflation in tyres

As mentioned above, a tyre with low air pressure will flex on the ground. As a result, their power to respond quickly will decrease due to low air pressure. Moreover, the flexing of tyre will increase the contact area between the road surface and the tyre. Therefore, your tyre will generate more heat and friction to degrade its rubber material. Under inflation in tyres is dangerous on wet roads because of a larger contact area.


Excessive air in tyres will make it highly unstable. The tyre will bounce on roads like a balloon. Moreover, high air pressure in the tyre will shrink the contact area. As a result, tyres are unable to provide better grip and traction on roads. Tyres with high air pressure are also not good during the rainy season because of the smaller contact area.


Improper inflation level is not good for the health of car tyres as well. Tyres with a low inflation level will wear out more on the sides. On the other hand, tyres with high air pressure will wear out on the middle part. Obviously, wrong air pressure promotes tread wear in tyres as well.

Reasons for under inflation in tyres

Your air loses some air naturally. Therefore, they will become underinflated if you do not check air pressure for a long time.


Tyres lose air pressure because of leakage problems. This problem may take place due to faults in tyre bead, and tyre valve.

Tyres become under-inflated due to cold weather as well.

Reasons for over inflation in tyres

When you drive your car at high speed, friction and heat will take place and heat may increase the air pressure.


Air pressure will increase automatically in the summer months due to hot weather.


Tyres will experience overinflation if you carelessly fill them with excessive air.

Final words

Tyres are important for your vehicle. You have to enhance their performance level by keeping the air pressure at the correct level. Carmakers determine a certain level of air pressure for every vehicle according to their functions and model.


For example, heavy vehicles need heavy tyres that may carry the load of the vehicle.


Thus, you cannot simply fill your Tyres Tamworth with air to drive your vehicle. You have to look at the recommendations that are given in the user manual. If you follow the guidelines about proper air pressure, you will use the same set of tyres for a long time. Moreover, you will feel happier because of the optimum performance level of car tyres as well.